A generation of children will fall behind without your help

Growing bright futures

ApSeed's goal is to take the initial investment in preschoolers and watch it multiply and pay dividends over the child's entire life. Here's how:

These games get results

Every child deserves to succeed and ApSeed is boosting kindergarten readiness – especially for children impacted by poverty – by planting the seeds of learning through fun apps and games on the ApSeed touchpad.


Children born into poverty are less likely to be school-ready, and disproportionately impacts children of color.


ApSeed created the touchpad, which is packed with interactive educational apps.


The take-home is free to preschoolers and distributed through partner childcare providers, school districts, and local or state agencies.

Driven by data

Every child deserves to succeed: ApSeed disrupts the potential educational delays caused by poverty, helping the youngest learners grow and bloom.

Touchpads work. Here are some sample results from partner programs in North Carolina:


We need your support

Our data and impact metrics prove the ApSeed educational touchpads make a powerful, measurable impact on the lives of children. The touchpads cost a family nothing – not even WiFi is needed. But we can only continue this work with your support.

It's not a "one and done" distribution model either: There are new preschoolers in need each school year. The need doesn't stop but our impact will if we can't continue to build and distribute these powerful touchpads. Please, become a supporter today.

Help us provide more ApSeed touchpads